North America

There are many distinct Indigenous Peoples across the globe - virtually every continent is home to first peoples. Regionally we have sections that are broken down roughly by continent, and within those sections by country (although in some cases a specific People will cross the borders of specific countries).

Do no harm, Canada

Canadian Government Acknowledges Power to Act on Extractive Companies, Declines to Do So

USA & Canada: Activist groups sue over border pipeline

Canada: Mathias Colomb Cree Nation Stands in Solidarity with Ayllu of Peru

Platinum mine criminal charges a first for Alaska

Canadian First Nations march to demand ban on uranium exploration in Quebec

Canada: First Nations release 'clear mining policy and rules' for central BC

Greenland parties in coalition talks, mining in focus

USA - Rio, BHP very close to develop U.S. largest copper mine

Canada: Yukon and Northwest Territories First Nations Win Big in Yukon Supreme Court

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