Central and South America

There are many distinct Indigenous Peoples across the globe - virtually every continent is home to first peoples. Regionally we have sections that are broken down roughly by continent, and within those sections by country (although in some cases a specific People will cross the borders of specific countries).

Law firm hopes to keep suits against Hudbay alive

New ITUC report on indigenous peoples in Latin America

Landmark Vote Upholds Indigenous Rights on Belo Monte

Guatemala: From Resistence to Municipal Government

Hundreds of Indigenous Protest Belo Monte Dam, Brazilian Government Boycotts Talks

Colombia: priest shot dead in mining town

BHP Billiton AGM protest

Colombia: priest shot dead in mining town & Father Marco Arana escapes from violent ambush

A Canadian mining company prepares to dig up Mexico’s Eden

Indigenous peoples suffer abuses in race for natural resources – UN rights expert

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